PooBearPrincess Waiting

August 21, 2017

Photos to painting
Oil on 12 x 16″ canvas panel

The picture was taken on the East Hill of Rainbow Hill Farm a long time ago. I think my daughter Carolyn took the photo. In the original picture the horse was facing the other way. I used the computer to flip the horse around. She was facing the stone and tree that my husband John put there in honor of Philip Sloan, Leland’s son. That was a favorite little horse. I decided to put the two pictures together because I’d seen pictures like that before, where the horse is waiting for someone inside. 

The outhouse in the background used to be on the other side of Grandma Sloan’s house. And whenever I wanted to go to the bathroom I had to put all the kids up at the table with crayons and hope they didn’t get into any trouble. Except for Jim who was kind of ornery and stuffed a crayon up his nose one time.

Eventually my husband John took half a day to move the toilet closer to the house, next to the garage. Several years later after we had indoor plumbing, we moved the outhouse up to the hill. Just for something John thought was funny and cute. He did crazy stuff some times.

One time our granddaughter Leah asked John “What’s that little cottage on the hill?” I laughed about that.